A Killer In Me Is A Death On You

You're unrealistic and I can read you.
You are transparent to me,
And I think I'm the only one who can see...

I long to take you by the skin and peel it slowly from your muscles,
Just so you can hurt as much
As you hurt me.

I'd rather be dead
Than alive
and here.

Because I know I am a waste of time,
A waste of breath,
and you're only here to reinforce that.

You make the words come out jumbled,
Because you scramble my thoughts,
And you lie to get through it all.

I want to make you scream,
Because inside I do,
And I'd like for you to hear it too.

I am a sick little brat,
I know,
But you made me this way.

Do you like this form of inhuman you've made me?
I can't stand you.
No matter how I voice it, they shut me out.

Do my opinions not matter?
Am I not breathing,
Bleeding in front of you?

I'm better off dead,
I'm better off lead,
Six feet in the ground.