A Sonnet for Beauty

Beauty can be anything in this world,
Whether ‘tis nature, music or sweet love,
Beauty when we are young, or frail and old,
It could be laughter, or a pure white dove.
Is it the sun, on a bright and new dawn,
Or the silence in the silence, or just,
The sky young and blue on a summer morn,
The deep night with a sprinkle of stardust?
Beauty is a mystery, that is for sure,
But for me, beauty is all about you,
Just you, and your beauty, and nothing more.
We should be together, our love is true.
Nobody can win, but beauty alone.
It welcomes you back, It welcomes you home.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first sonnet that I have written alone. It speaks for me, and what I think of as beauty. I hope you like it!