For Every

For every sweet word you spoke to me
Two were spoken behind my back.
I thought I saw right through to your soul.
I was wrong. Your soul is black.
For every promise yet to be fulfilled,
I followed you, unquestioningly.
I was so decieved by your stories.
But now I allow myself to see.
For every time you said you loved me
And I returned those three deep words,
You laughed at the way I was so blind
A laughter that was, until now, unheard.
For every time I believed you,
I let me forgive myself.
For every time I pushed back feelings,
I pull them down off my shelf.
For every friend that I had forgotten,
I pray that I may be taken back.
Because for every time I was lost to you
I remember that your soul is black.
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im so glad that im done wit this dude cuz he put me though sum things lol