Red Cape Shadows

Walking into the dark forest afraid to get close, realizing I wish I was not alone. My heart beats fast, but yet I walk too slow, knowing someone is watching me from up below. Looking from left to right, right to left, I see shadows that have a red cape. I start panicking but cannot scream; suddenly I notice my feet start running and end up by a stream. Its quiet and peaceful; I ask myself, "Is this a dream?" No. I see dead fish lying marked with bloody teeth. Slowly the stream changes from a clear view, to a red sea. I notice the red cape shadows getting closely to me. I try to run, but this time I trip. I try to get up, but someone grabs me. I see a red cape shadow helding to me, I try to let go; but suddenly it stabs me.......
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i wrote this probably when i was like 13 yrs. old. so yeah it must suck,, but hey i tried and that's what counts:D