I Can Still Feel It

I can still feel it
The way he touched me
The way it made me feel
It's horrible; the memories

I still have the scars
From trying to scrub it off
The places he touched my skin
I wanted them gone
He took from me waht was mine
The only gift I had to give
Just like my sanity
Now all that is left is a shell; a body
It looks like me
But no remnats of my old self remain
All that's left is my shell
Along with some cuts, scars, and bruises.
I wonder if he remembers
Just how he tormented me.
Stalked my nightmares,
Took away my childhood
I hope he doesn't
I hope he isn't haunted by the past.
But God knows I am
I know how it feels
Everyday lately, it has haunted me
It's in my dreams, taunting me
Replaying what has happened.
I tried not to care
I tried to move on
But all I did
Was hide it deep down
Waiting for the day
It could come up and say,
"I made you this way"
Yeah, you made me this way,
But I know for sure that one day
I will rise up
Get over it
Move on from this
And forget