Black Rose

The Black Rose

He looks around with a somber face
Sounds resonate from his lips “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”
I see his lips move through my black veil but I do not hear
The words float around in my disconnected mind
Then the coffin lowers into the ground
As I take my last look him my eyes well up with tears
I throw a red rose on the coffin, it is stained with blood

Now the sorrows do not stop, the tears fall thick and fast
Then the memories bleed out of my open heart
Where did the time go, all of those wasted momments
My life is buried with him and never again will it see the light of day.
The times I should have told him how I felt about books, the sunset and, regretfully, him
But I shall learn from my mistakes I won’t sit here and waste.
I will learn to live and keep time.
♠ ♠ ♠
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