

Truth be told, this isn’t as hard as everyone makes it seem
Sure, it takes some getting used to
But, so do a variety of other things
I won’t break down, or lose my cool, because that’s what they expect me to do

We’re all in the same boat
But that boat is surely sinking
When everyone’s down how I can I stay afloat?
Your idea of under control could lose some rethinking

Perfect North-American family’s photo frame is cracking
One small imperfection spreads like a forest fire
Uncontrollable rage induces tears..
Tears that can be pushed aside as a temporary solution
But the rawness, and the truth of it all stays the same

Lie your way out of the inevitable
Because, you, are the perfect one who needn’t change
That’s what you try to instill in my impervious mind
You’re changing my life forever with every little mistake

Stay strong, are the words of onlookers
The innocent may sometimes take a hit
Because at 15 I have to understand
Your list of how I need to improve myself

Just sign the papers, word to the wise
But love is blind to imperfection
This would be the death sentence
Old habits die hard, but some never die at all

The pain will go away eventually
So, suck it up baby girl and put a band-aid on it.