See What These Things Can Do?

Sleeping alone
The bed he once had filled
By his boyfirend of 3 years.

So You wonder how?
Well it was by him,
Not exactly but his kin,
His sister was homophobic.
Couldn't stand them togeather.

One day she thought they went to far,
They kissed in front of her.
She thought this boy would send her brother to hell.
So she killed this boy
You see?

She thought it was the right thing to do.
But then of couse she shall go to hell to?
Her brother couldn't stand her and now neather could she.
Seeing her brother that lonley
She was going to tell him that night.

But instead he wouldn't open the door.
The water from his bathroom was overflowing.
Tinted red,
She went inside and guess what she saw?

Her brother in the tub,
Covered with blood.
He had carved
"Fucked Up."
On his skin.