I've Got A Secret...

I've got a secret
can you guess what its about?
Its a promising secret
i just want to shout!
It might chill your bones
or steal your breath
it might be scary
its just a test.
Don't worry
Don't fret
The secrets no lie
get on your knees
and beg to the sky
pray for this
and what you ask for
Listen to these words
just don't ask for more.
i gave it all to you
the secrets what i have left
i kept in my heart
you stole it. it was theft
I'll lean down to tell you
i won't say it loud
"you broke my Heart
Now lets watch you now."
cry on your knees
beg for me to stop
they won't help
time to close up shop.
i have the secret,
right on my tongue
listen to what i say
get one the ground
get down and lay.
don't worry
its not a hard thing to hear
"I saw you with her
don't lie to me
tell me the truth"
now its reveled
show me what you feel
i hear what you say
if looks could kill.
i end this
and you
pull the trigger
goodbye for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically, its from a girls point of view...she got her heart broken, makes him face her. kills him:) haha im not really all this sad..i just thinks it easier to write sad things:)
ps: i got the inspiration from Chlesea smile by Bring me the Horizon:d love them!