A Rose

A rose for Love, and rose for Passion,
A rose for everything living, and a rose for all that is dying,
A rose to remember, a rose to forget,
A rose for happiness, a rose for sorrow,
A rose for all things old, a rose for all that is new,
A rose for a laugh, a rose for tears,
A rose for courage, a rose for fears,
A rose for pain, a rose numbness,
A rose for a fire that burns within, a rose for the ice that comes with the wind,
A rose for creation, a rose for destruction,
A rose for a loss, a rose for a victory,
A rose for friends,a rose for enemies,
A rose for honesty, a rose for deceiving,
A rose for life,a rose for death,
A rose to hold in your heart for the person whom you shall not forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is just something I came up with.
I'm not all to sure what it means yet
but if you read it let me know what you think it means.