beauty is.

beauty is how true love never has a happy ending,
true love never ends...

beauty is..

the way his eyes sparkle innocently when he sees me
the way he looks when he listens to me talk
the way he quickens his pace when he sees me at the end of the hall
the way his focus is never broken by anyone but me
the way he waits for me outside my every class
the way his lips feel on mine as he kisses me goodbye at the end of the day
the way he stops to help me when i drop me books, even if he's late
they way he ditches his friends after football to be with me
the way i feel when his arms are around me; i never want to let go
the way he sits in the bleachers cheering me on at my volleyball games
the way he looks at me when i'm all sweaty and messy after a game; with no make up on
the way his friends say he never stops talking bout me

beauty is how no matter where i am or what i'm diong, i'm always
thinking about him, the
way he never leaves my mind

beauty is the way he looks me in the eyes
like i'm the only one for him
and says,
"i love you"

beauty is how i love him with everything i have, but i cant have him

beauty is.......Him

********i dedicate this to all the guys that have left their handprint on my heart.

no matter what i say... i will always love you...