Blackout Kiss

The way you kiss me,
The way you hold me,
When you lips connect
Instant fire
Passion felt so strongly
A wordless communication
That says everything

Strong arms hold me
As I slip into this
Blackout Kiss
Darkness swims in my eyes
Throwing every sense but this away
So I can concentrate
Remember this
Bottle it like a
So when you’re gone
I’ll remember
The feel of you against me
With no restrictions
No holding back
Nothing but your lips on mine
Nothing more
Nothing less
But to be held perfectly still
Lost in this maze of bliss
Not wanting to find a way out

Is this what true happiness is?
If so,
I will bottle it like the firefly
Keep it safe
Protect it with my life
Because it’s
Pure and simple
Like floating on a cloud
Staring contentedly at nothing
Just feeling
I Love You.
Blackout Kiss

<3 <3 <3 <3
Inspiration, well this one goes to my bf who i love with all my heart
♠ ♠ ♠
p.s i will work on adding more flair to my layout im just still working with BB code and im not very good at it :/
comment!!! <3