Hiding The Scars

I sit here quietly in the class,
Never once opening up my mouth.
They all say the ribbon on my wrist is cool,
But none of them know what it hides.

They question the bruises and marks,
But never hear the story.
They'd rather do what they want,
Would rather run with the wind.

I need someone to stand by me,
But they all want to walk ahead.
All I want, is for one person,
To wait. For me.

I'm a hypocrite and a liar,
I tell people not to hurt themselves,
But it seems to be all I'm able to do.

Somebody hurts me mentally,
I slowly kill myself physically.
But nobody understands,
This is how I function.

They can't comprehend,
I'm honestly trying to help.
I cant let them live my life,
So I make them stop.

I force people to talk,
Only because I know it helps.
I tell people to stop cutting,
Because I know the damage it turns into.

I see the despair in their eyes,
Even when they have a smile in their face.
That's exactly how I am.

I wear the fake smile,
But want people to see the hurt
The burdens I carry.

I want them to see that the burdens,
Are their own problems.
I want them to help with my pain too.

The sad thing?
Nobody ever does.