I'm Sorry

I’m Sorry.

My eyes melt ashes
Into the core
Of what is my denial
Blood drips from the clouds
I wont speak their name.
Not now.

Pass reflections have no use
Need a place to hang my flaws
On the roof tops they stand
Scares piercing through.

Sorrow floating in the wind
Everything is far from the truth
Taken away by your words
The wind keeps blowing
My mind has lost direction.

Of what I thought was right and wrong
Has been disguised by my ignorance.
No more.

Time can’t be borrowed
A toil is too much to ask for
This is good-bye.

Too little gives you away
A ray of light shows no where close
I mean nothing, this means nothing.
Everything is falling.

A solo is required
Speak your part
Though it seems it doesn’t matter.

So concerned
Why now?
I’m swept away with the wind
My wrongs wont bring anymore pain.

No more.
I’m sorry for my mistakes.
The way I am.
I have to say good-bye.
Even though it hurts so much.

One last share of my words.
“I love you and always will”.
But, this good-bye is the end of me.