
Bells are ringing
People walking, sadness, tears, running inside almost every soul
I can hear singing
And the chill that runs down my spine

I know he's gone, but I know he's here
And there she is
I can see that it's fake
The lies in her eyes

He's been trying to say something from the start
Since the day I saw those dark brown eyes
I would begin to fall in them

He hugs me,and says it was nice that we had met, one more day until he leaves
He's silent
The silence hits me like a brick
Makes my words crumble, and my mouth zips shut
He walks on, into the car

I wish I could have said goodbye
He hurts, and doesn't know what to say

The car, up the street now

I should have done something
I knew that was the first I met him, and it was going to be the last

My friend calls, crying, telling me, he's gone
I fall down crying, not sure what to say

Nights later, I dreamt a dream like I was there
So glad to see him
Suddenly, a gun in his hand
A shot

And gone
♠ ♠ ♠
We Love You!
I Love You!