Just because

I tried to be more like you,
so that you would like me more.
I changed my taste in music,
and threw out the clothes I wore.

I bought the latest fashions,
so I'd be in with all the trends.
I didn't care what I looked like,
I just wanted a group of friends.

You still treated me unfairly,
you tried to push me far away,
talked about me behind my back,
much to my dismay.

In class you passed comments,
leaving me all alone.
you'd hide all my equipment,
videoing it on your phone.

You make me feel so worthless
when you pin me to the wall,
I try to block your voice out,
it doesn't help at all.

You beckon your friends over,
my body's frozen in fear.
as you hit me with all your might,
they start to laugh and cheer.

I feel so humiliated,
I asked you what I'd done,
you merely shrugged your shoulders,
replied "It's just a bit of fun."

You only hated me because
your friends called me a freak.
You all look the bloody same,
at least I am unique.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just something I made up in about fifteen minutes, something written from the heart to try and open audiences eyes to bullying. Thank you.