Answer me this

Dear stranger tainted dreams collection.

Answer Me This

Would you trust me
in this nightmarish game
rip out you heart
and give it to me for safe keeping?

Would you kiss me
if i asked you to
With heated passion and lust
a touch of sanity to

Would you show me mercy
If i was to cry
break down in front of you and die

Would you heal me
if my wounds were bleeding and scarred
throbbing with pain?

Would you love me
if i lied to you
if i slept with a so called other man
if i Said i was sorry

would you lie to me
if i wanted to be happy
if you could make me feel better

would you answer me if i couldn't ask you a question
if i bared the written words against my skin
and shouted out a different language

would you kill me,,,,?

Could you kill me?

Don't answer me this because i fear you've already pushed the dagger to far in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hash critisim is most welcome but dont be mean please