Perfect Freaks

Our story begins with me and you
And a buzz between the two
I can't even explain it
It's this sort of connection
That I don't dare deny

We both are less than perfect
No, strike that last statement:
We both are perfect as our roles of freaks.

My hand
black nail polish
Fingerless gloves with a band name.

Your hand
black nail polish
Black wrist band with a band name

They fit so nicely together

My Vans hit the pavement
Your Converse do, too
You embrace me
I fall into you
I want to be closer
But fear how I'll feel
When everything starts
To get too real

You can search my eyes for soul
It's one of those things you amaze me with
You see my past and my exes
And the things he'd do to me.
You get so angry and overprotective
And I just want to melt into you.

Something about you when you're pissed is just sexy
The passion maybe
Or the intensity
But it makes the hurt and pain go away
And all I want is you.
The power and blue flames in those white hot eyes?

Seductive is my new key word
"Follow me" i whisper.
I take your hand
And lead you to
A Happy Place.

You embrace me
Not afraid
To embrace the fact
He got here first.
You know the rest of the story
You know he didn't get his way

You know just how far I go
And I love how you respect my boundaries.
Your breathing amplified in my ear
And you tell me just what I want to hear.

But somehow now
You find a way to leave me.
Leave me cold.
Leave me alone.
You leave me at a loss for words.