
Tainted Dreams Collection


Mercy, Oh Mercy
claim my soul and let me rest
give me safe passage
not yet another test

Mercy, oh sweet mercy
Shall i thow away my sanity
mask my face
and take no part in strange profanities

Mercy. Oh mery
Kiss me deadly upon my lips
i cannot bare the thought
of being inside lifes grips

Mercy, Oh dear Mercy
Why can i not breathe
why has fear set upon me
Why dose this anger seethe

Mercy, oh Mercy
Are you even real
is this nothing but a hullusination
Is it you i even feel

Beg f or Mercy, My love
being unanswered is always how she plays
yet dont appaul
and as all the old bards say
mercy claims us all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Harsh critisim is wanted but please dont be mean. If you dont like it tell me why... Thankyou for reading I hope youve enjoyed