Distance. Too Painful

Distance Too Painful

The Distance;
It’s become far too much for us to bear,
We never saw each other.
Our meetings growing ever more rare;
Couldn’t bear it much longer.

Supposed to have triumph above all else,
Conquer against any foe.
But as things get hard toward this noel’s,
Love seems to bring only woe.

I’ll Miss You;
Have you mine, even if we hardly met,
This I simply can’t deny.
We always thought ourselves together set,
No more set was it than sky.

The End;
It hurts so much for Eight months to be gone;
Feels like being ripped in two.
I should someday be able to move on,
I only hope you can too.
♠ ♠ ♠
After eight and a half months, it's finally over.
I'm very sad about it.