what would have been

An underlying sense of counting down:
Rhythmic, deep enteric thuds -
Each another year to fret and frown
About, wading in the cloggy mud
That constitutes a blackened life.

But what if my foot was to slip
as I stand on this chair. would
I feel it for long. or would my
eyes begin to dwindle
As I stare

you know the way
it wraps around my vocal cords
and stops me from breathing. it
leaves that crisscross
around my neck like tight

what would I feel. what would I see.
would I hear the cries that were
meant to be. would my heart ach finally
heal. an my mind be at ease. or would the
feelings she cause get worse an help
suffocate me. she took everything that
could of an should of been.

so as I stand here on this chair
I can only ask "what would have been"
♠ ♠ ♠
this about my best friend that has been going through sum things ever sence his ex got an abortion with his kid.........he told me how he felt and how he was thinken of suicide and how he would do it.........dont worry i asked if i could write about it an he is fine with it.......its kind of messy but i hope you like it ..........PLZ CMNT IF U VIEW