Battle Scenes

Battle scenes

Explosions deep inside my head,
Followed by waves of suffering.
The whistling sound of bullets
Clings to every memory.
And smoke fumes rasp through
My sore throat with each breath.

Sometimes it feels as if
That gory, scarlet mud
Seeped through my skin
And now it floods
Every sullen vein.

Hand grenade splinter snatched
Away an already distorted vision.
But the images keep playing
Behind tired eyelids.
Screams echo in my mind now
Just like they did all days long.

Wonder if that dark rain
Washed away all tears
That pooled on the inside
And wholly drained
All empathy to come.

Endless miles wore trough time
So much that all traces of youth
Withered and fell from my face.
Only pictures left,
Painted upon indignant features
In nuances of lingering fear.

Like flashes in my dark,
Yet so colored world,
They appear over and over
Those fragments of
Jagged battle scenes.

Copyright © 2006