My Other Side and Me

Who am I and who are you
I am just another dream
I am no one yet you are someone
I am dead and you are alive
I am helpless you are helped
I am hated and you are loved
I am just another dream
I am scared you are fearless
I am scarred you are woundless
I am scary you are nonthreatening
I am emo you are an athlete
I am evil and hopeless
I am anit-love and you are pro-love
I am crying and you are unfamiliar with tears
I am the devil and you are an angel
I am pain and you are painless
I am evil and hopeless
I am dark and you are light
I am a slave and you are free
I am lost and you are found
I am just another lost cause
I am worthless and you are worthwhile
I am gone and you are here
I am a loser and you are a winner
I am sad and you are happy
I am just another lost cause
I am fake and you are real

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The two sides to my being