The secret.

My darling dear',

I have to go,
have to get away.
no one can know,
that I have left.

for my secret,
oh my secret,
is to frightful for even you too know.

so i am going to go,
far, far away from this place.
If the secret spreads, it'll start a plague.
my hands are pale, the blue veins showing.
my body is declining as my secret kills it.

My voice is gone so I cannot confess.
I cannot confess to anyone, anyone at all.
But maybe it's for the best.
I am labeled insane but oh, I love this feeling,
I feel more sane then ever.
the secret is a drug to me.

so, so addicting.
but all addictions love to kill and it seems my time is up.
I thought my secret was a part of me but I soon saw it's deception,
I am now a black hole of denial.

So, my darling dear, when I am gone, please reminisce about the good times,
the times when the secret was a gift sent from the unknown above.

Secret's folly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do not know what this is about.
It just... came to me haha.

It makes sense to me but I suppose, it may not make sense to you ?