Beyond Our World

You lay there
on your back
head against the pillow
pillow in my lap
Your head
inches from me
Your eyes closed
Your hands twitching
A soft song
we’ve heard so many times
plays in the background
It’s quiet
You breathe in and out
Your chest heaving with each breath
I want to do nothing but stay here
I don’t want to move
You’re beautiful
People don’t realize it
but you are
I don’t think people know
what they’re missing
you don’t see it
I do
I see it all
The way your hair will dangle
millimeters from your eye
and how those eyes
get so dazed
so easily
like you’re far away
dreaming of a distant land
where everything can happen
You may say
that you look horrible
but you never are
I could care less about
whether you did your hair
or even
got out of your pajamas
And it’s not just your looks
It’s not just your hair
It’s what makes you
The way you’ll cower
at the most insignificant
and gross things
and stupid things
and the way you’ll randomly
break out into song
and not care who hears
The way you laugh
The way you’ll swat my hand
from your hair
The way you can like so many people
and hate that you do
and the way you can be my friend
after all that I’ve brought
to your world
and mixed it up so much
and set it on fire
and nearly
burned it to the ground
So I sit there
on your bed
wanting nothing more
than to hold your hand
Not in some boyfriendish way
I merely
want to be the one
who you can talk to
about anything
I want to stay awake
all night with you
and imagine that world
beyond ours
and live in the moment
and be ourselves
and love it
We can just live
we can run away
from all the stupidities
of our own world
and our other friends
We can lie there forevermore
And just being able
to do that
means so much to me
that you can’t believe
how lucky
I feel to be
Right here
Right now
I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a year and a half ago about a girl. It was a funny time in my life.