The Feather

The Feather
I walk to the beach
I think I’ll take a swim
I haven’t done this
Since it ended with him

I feel something soft
Oh gosh it’s a feather
I take a chance and throw it
Despite the bad weather

Oh no the ocean turned worse
The feather’s gone forever
This was a horrible mistake
I won’t do this again EVER

I turn away as
I let a tear slip
I’m slipping I’m falling
I’m losing my grip

The sun rises again
As it must do
I head to the beach
Searching for a clue

I stroll along the edge
Feeling a tad better
A feather washes up
So red and a lot wetter

I smile to myself
This is better than the other
Broken and torn but fixable
By the perfect lover

Did you find it
I hear
I turn and show the feather
To my new dear