
Broken is my bones,
Weak am i,
But i still push on even if you don't love me,
Yes it hurts inside,
But it's better than lovng the unlovable.

Pain is often something that causes you to suffer,
But I do not see this pain as suffering,
I see it as a chance to learn.

I learn that yes there is love,
It is warming and welcoming,
It fills your heart with joy.
It causes you to fill mad at times.
But it is still love.

It also taught me that even if you didn't love,
I did.........with every breathe i had,
Every beat my heart had made.

So i will say this,
Yes it hurt that you didn't appreciate my love for you.
But it showed me that one day I will have a love,
One stronger than can ever be imagined.

And because you could not appreciate the love you had been given,
Not only from me,
But other countless girls,
Your world will end up having only yourself to love.