
If I could describe how you make me feel
I don’t think you could handle it
A love that is so strong and so pure
It scares me to death how you, a man
Can make my entire world come
Crashing down with just a few words
Or make me the elated
A power should not be given to such
Who does not appreciate what is right
In front him
I protected my heart from loving you
When My soldiers rebelled against me
And broke through my gate just to take
The side of the one who inflicts this
Unknown pain upon me
You say your protecting me
I call bull shit. Its just protecting yourself
I would give up my entire being to protect you
I would rather be tortured to death than ever betray you
Hell I’d give my life up just to save yours
Holding on is something I don’t do by choice
My logical side is telling me to give up on you
My heart is telling me that I need you
I don’t know what to do.
Neither my heart or my head have
Been perfect on protecting me from pain
But what my head craves is sanity
And my heart craves your love