Love > Friends ?

Thanks for crushing my hopes
Right when they were back up again
Just because you can’t be happy
At first I chose friends over love
And then I chose love over friends
Right as you tell me I have no hopes
I don’t find it funny
You think I’m paranoid
Ha take a look at what you said
Are you sure you really meant it

Oh but of course you did
Somehow you always call yourself
The victim
It’s funny, your not even the one
I spend my nights thinking about
You didn’t have to tell me
Just to make me sad
Couldn’t you have gone along with it
I was starting to feel better again

But now I’m just back at where I started
There is no one for me, yet again I fail

Do I even want to deal with this anymore?
Somehow I always always always end up
Choosing friends over love
But I’ll choose the ones
That I can’t be with anymore
And I know
That this year will be
just like last years end
Hoping and wishing didn’t get me anything

I’m not saying I didn’t get what I wanted
I did
It just wasn’t
What I thought I wanted

And seeing our friend
With a smile across her face
As she holds on to her own
But looking back at our other friend
Who just like last year
Sleeps like a soldier
Who in the civil war
Came across the small cabin
Of a young widow

Yet again you have to tell me
Why oh why do I deal with this
I can’t take it
I can’t take it any more

Why can’t you just deal with this
Why can’t you just forget it
You had your chance to be with someone
You screwed it up
When you asked for HIM
Well you got your him
And when he wasn’t what you expected
Which we all thought you were crazy
For liking him in the first place
You dropped him

And I; I never get the chance
To even give anyone a chance
I keep asking for my HIM
But do I ever get him
No. And sadly
At times I can deal with it
I’ll move on
But then I’ll find someone else
And then there is ALWAYS
Always something in the way
I can NEVER get to him

Maybe one day
I’ll get the chance
It wont be this year
But maybe next time around
I’ll actually get the chance
To show him the way
Ignore the fools
And make smarter choices
For all I know
I might not end up HERE
In this DEAD end spot.