A Changed Man.

He sits in the garage all night all day,
Drinking down more, more with each passing day
Not knowing who he is hurting
Not knowing the damage he is doing

His wife leaves him
His children no longer talk to him
His parents hate him
But still he sits in his garage and drinks

Each passing day losing yet another loved one
Without realising it
Till finally no one is left
With no job and no family

His eyes open
And finally he sees the damage he has caused
No longer wanting this for himself
He leaves the garage and the damage it has caused him

He goes and gets help
The bottles he has consumed over the years
Get taking out
And rid of for further years

When finally he has been clean for 12 months
His wife comes back
His children start to talk to him
And his parents love him

Now he never goes into that garage
Or even be tempted by the fine delights of alcohol
For he has changed and his eyes are open
And that’s the way it going to stay