Just stop

Just stop.
Turn around, but don't walk
Remember the words
But do not talk

Don't you see
All the things you've done
And in the end
You still haven't won

Look in the mirror
Can you remember my face
Without the scar you made
To put me in my place

Just stop.
I've told you that before
Did you even care
When I walked out that door

Didn't you miss me
Like I miss you
Can you remember the times
When all we would do

Is have fun
Respect each other so much
You threw that away
Was I not enough

Just stop
Trying to control me
Stop hiding the truth
And just let me be

I'm gone
I can't walk back
Into your house
I've already packed

Our emotional fights
Left unremovable scars
I wish you could say
I love you the way you are

Please stop
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey people, Don't worry, this has never happened to me. I just wanted to write a poem about how maybe it would feel if something like this happened. Thanks for reading!

-Emily <3