Broken to Pieces - Song

I am here
I am standing here
looking back, lookinag back at what we used to be

But why
Why is it that I

You know
YOU KNOW < - - hold out

Because you left
I am broken to Pieces
Smaller pieces that I can ever count

Because you
Only you
Were what I needed
What I longed for
What I wanted

But no
No only no

You lied
You teased
You made ME believe
That I
That only I

Would be the one for you < - - loud
But no < - - quiet
Never never no
I am not here
You are not here
Stuck in time
Alone in time
looking back, at once was
But why
Why do I even try
To think that we could be
When there never was a you and me
I only know
What I once felt
What I thought we shared

And my dear
Oh my dear
why, why
WHY < - - hold out
You never looked back
After Her
That one you loved
The one who was pure
purely pure
purely love
purely true
purely yours
But now
Now I know
That you know
There never was
A me and you

And I see < - - quiet
This in YOUR eyes
But I never knew
There would never be
an us
a we
a pair

But reaching for you
I find my strength
trying, trying to smile
more < - - hold out

You took away < - - angry
All I had
All my love
That I felt
All for you
And you knew
So you took it
and left me empty.

But my dear < - - louder
Oh my dear
Do you ever think of me
Do you ever wonder
If I'm here
Waiting for you
If I'm smiling
Like I used to
If I am sweet
Like you once said

Or if I'm dead < - - quiet
Like you wanted

I bet you don't
Think of me
Care about me
For who I usedto be

Move on
Just pick myself up
Go find another man
Go to the parties
Wear all the ballgowns
Smile all the smiles
Dance all the dances
Do all these things
To move on...

But no, oh my dear, no < - - loud
I love you
I know it's true
Or else I would have let you go
But you
You don't care
About me
I am but a
I am but a
A whisper on the wind
A smile faded away
A death long forgotten < - - whisper

So many tears
So much time lost
Mourning over you
While the whole time you knew
That she
That one lovely girl
Would always be
The one that was not me

Her smile
Her eyes
Her hair
Her skin
Her voice... < - - hold out

So my dear, my only dear
I will let you go
Be with her
Live with her
Die with her
The one who owns your love
And forget all about me
and forget,
The memories we once shared
Because I'm gone
Now I'm gone
From your life
And you know
That this is what you wanted

To be with her < - - loud
To love her
To always need her
And to realize
That he was not -
The one you needed

You were falsly
In love with her
and you realized

I was the ONE < - - Loud (higher)

But I am not here
To pick up your slack
Since you came back
And you never wanted
The forever
That you lost
But it's too late
I never will see
If you and I
could be a we...
It's too late my dear...

I am gone... < - - die out