Embracing Insanity

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

There are images all around me. Somewhere deep within my subconsciousness I know these images do not actually exist. But they are just too real for me. I can feel the cold shivers running through my body when they come near me. I never knew they would appear when those white lines invited me in. They fulfilled their promises of taking everything else away. But they would never let me go.

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

Someone once warned me, long ago. Those memories are now blocked by the monster forming within me. My body wont move when I'm telling it to; my eyes refuse to stop staring at the hallucinations. Now that I used those lines to escape reality, I can't stop going for them. I can't stop wanting to inhale my bliss once again.

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

My skin is beginning to prickle; the bugs wont fall from my skin. I don't know where they are coming from, but they are scaring me. I can feel my hot tears dripping down my cheeks. The tears . . .they burned. Are those causing the sores on my face? The pain is becoming too intense. I need another line.

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

I figured I could just stop. I had to. I had no more left. My body started to crave for another line. Another cherished temporary escape from the outside world. It's more than a craving, now. It's turned into a lust. It's becoming my life. Without it, I feel like I'm withering away into the hands of death.

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

That night I left to a party. The monster inside of me would not deal and thrive without that horribly glorious substance. It was my water, my food, my shelter . . .

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?

There was a familiar face that night. I recognized her as the person adjacent to me when I first inhaled one of those lines. Her eyes were dark shadows in her now gaunt face. Her body was emaciated beyond concern. The sores on her face looked exactly like mine. She looked horrid. I caught her eyes in though, and that second I knew she was thinking the same thing about myself. Her chapped lips parted and she asked me the same thing I've been asking myself all along:

Who ever knew embracing insanity could be so addicting?
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I wrote this originally as a speech in my Basic Communications class. There were several people in my class who I was close to that were diving into the life of drugs. I wrote this as a reality check for my friends. Needless to say they are no longer involved in those activities.