Pretty and Ugly

I once knew a girl named Pretty.
Because of her, I learned of envy.
The way she walked with no burden.
The way she talked with no slur.
I often watched her hair flow,
So soft and delicate like the first snow.
The boys always adored Pretty.
Possible boyfriends were plenty.
Though Pretty never had friends,
Something she thought she could handle.
Until her named turned to Lonely.
The flame disappeared in her candle.

I once knew of a girl named Ugly.
Never did I see her cry.
The girl always looked happy.
I never understood why.
One day I asked her,
Why she never frowned.
And then she gave me an answer,
Her friends never let her down.
I sat that night and wondered.
Which would be more great.
Friends that go down under,
Or friends that could paint.
That night I understood Ugly.
That night I changed her name.
Never would she be called ugly.
For she was the winner of this game.
Ever since that night I called her love.
Since her care for others was from above.
I understood friendship.
And now knew the true definition of love.