And the Hero Will Drown

In our little world
The hero always gets the girl
All the rules he's allowed to bend
It's the movie that will never end
What he wants is what he gets
He lives a life of no regrets

It's getting harder to believe anything
His hidden plan must be working
There's imperfection in his pride
Our hero is blinded by a dark light
In all my spite
I'll turn it off

He puts on a show
For all the world to see
But looking behind the curtain is key
For our hero is not what he seems to be
There's imperfection in his pride
He's been blinded by a dark light
In all my spite
I'll turn it off

Confronted with the evil of his actions
He shows little or no reactions
He no longer wishes to see
Just what everyone wanted him to be
There's imperfection in his pride
Our hero shines a dark light
In all my spite
I'll turn it off

Hurting those around him is no big deal
For emotions is what he can no longer feel
Forced to his side
Staring at the imperfection of his pride
Being with him is something i cant do
Its the only way to protect people like you
The hero shines a dark light
In all my spite
I'll turn it off

To the river we must go
A false surprise is what I will show
Looking at his reflection bothers me
For all the evil he refuses to see
Is insanely visible to me
There's imperfection in his pride
The hero choses his dark light
It's time to turn it off...
I've turned it off