Something to Think about

What happens to the kids in third world countries?
What happens to the homeless animals we live near?
What happens to the people with Cancer?
What happens to the teenage druggies who hate the world?

These are just a few thing to think about.
When we are home alone and bored.

What do we do for the people we love?
What do we do to the kids we abuse?
What do we do for the people we don't know?
What do we do to the young children we neglect

These are just a few things we don't think about.
When we think we have a better life.

how does the world react to us?
How do our friend feel?
How can we help the world with the thing we don't have?
How should we approach our inner demons?

These thoughts run through our minds,
But we ignore them.

I ask you one thing,
Please think about something else but yourself.

*a message form all the people and things we don't think about*
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Please take into thought the things we never cross over once. Everything matters.