Hearts On The Other Side Of The World

Here I am, And there you are.
Across the world, But not that far.
I sit here and think of you,
And I wonder if you are thinking of me too.
But I know that you loved me and I know that you cared
Something all of our memories together will share.
People tell me young love never last;
it’s just there to teach us a lesson so we grow up fast.
Relationships fail, Nothing makes sense.
And that your last moments together are always so tense.
I don't believe that, I don't want it true.
What if you have moved on and forgot about me
Even as much as I think about you?
No, I won't believe that, I know it's not real.
There is something inside me that I always feel.

My thoughts they wander, And I sit there and stare.
Thinking of things and wondering if you are there.
I look up at the sky and wonder if you see it too.
It's almost... as if you knew.
I cry hard at night, I put up a fight,
Because I believe inside that everything is going to be alright.
I write in journals and color your name on pages.
From the first day I met you, Wow everything changes.
Nothing's the same, And never will be.
But hopefully, Just hopefully,
Things will be the same for you and me.
♠ ♠ ♠
i wrote this for my Christofer Drew story so I decided to write this for people who don't read my stories ^_^