How I See Thyself

I wake up in the morning and stair you in the face,
Your presence before me is such a disgrace,
Now is the worst time to try threaten me,
I do not fear you or can you not see.

I look you in the face and I will not back down,
I will fight you till the end and redeem my crown,
The crown that declares the control over myself,
To have control is all that can be asked by oneself.

Lurking in the darkness you wait for me,
You want to end all that I have considered destiny,
Although I appear weak I will stand strong,
I refuse to accept you and will never go along.

You, Death, haunt me day after day,
You wait until my soul you can prey,
But that time comes when I make the decision,
Will it be old age, or will it be incision.