doctor who is not so great, infact its rather disturbing

It snowed just like it always does, the first of the year.
i watched the dropplets floating down and landing on our heads.
hair becoming laced with white, smiles on our faces were bright.
i was fulfilled with the delight of it all.

merry christmas to all of you, now go and watch doctor who.
sit at home and drink your your presents one at a time.
look on the tv, its james may, i just remembered i never ate my advent calendar today.
but on the tv what did he say? ive come to talk to you about trains
but james may we dont care, i really think you should brush your hair.
oops, sorry there, dont mean to be rude, i was just associating you with that arrogant dude.
whats his name? old jeremy, of course it is, who else could it be?
dont you worry if all else fails we can change the channel and see what else is there.
its strictly come dancing (very christmassy), just the thing i wanted to see.
poor old brucies hurt his back, im sure i just heard something crack.
what a shame as you can see the television is of very poor quality.
nevermind and dont fear we can drink a toast to next year.