The Sky in Your Tears

I wish that I could sneakily
Unzip my mouth and, letting free,
The words in tiny print
That are still scrawled in permanent,

Paper clouds strung above
Still struggling through an ailing love
The sun is growing shy
Someone turn the setting high…
What are you thinking of?

And your tears, they’re tied
With a specter of the lace, so worn,
That you hide, from the memory of a face.
Your fears, they cry
To the shiny silver bow,
For now, I’ll fly, If you’ll only let me go.

And snow invades evaders’ sight
Where calm is underneath the light
You’re drifting as you fall
I’ll wrap my wings around your call, tonight

So green and blue make red
And we could paint the world instead
With black and blue and gray
“‘Till the darks all drift away”, we said.

I near, the end
Of the frayed and charred remains, so worn,
That you mend, with the quiet of your pain.
It’s day, and I fear, that the sun is growing shy,
But with your angel tears and sorrows
You could catch the sky.

You say I’m a guardian,
But I disagree
‘Cause you’ll always be my angel;
A better one than me.
And you may not have wings there,
Or ever down on earth
But they’re flying somewhere
Don’t demean their worth.

So think of the moonlight
Mixing in with snow
Think of my new sight
Watching you below
Think of the words we
Spoke and lit aglow
And please don’t forget me,
When you let me go.

I leave with a gift,
Wrapped in silky falling snow, unworn,
That you lift, with the shiny silver bow…
You cry, ‘cause the present is the past…
And I’ll fly, from the things that never last.
The sky is filled
With angel tears, and sorrows…