In This World of Mine

I'm just a queen sitting on my throne,
Ruling over the land
I call home.
A land of lies
And dull edged knifes,
A land I helped create all on my own.
The grass stained with blood,
The wall built so high,
Built of the strongest bricks
I can find,
The strongest bricks,
My strongest lies.
It's keeping me from falling,
That wall that lets no one in;
My own personal defence,
My attitude,
I'm not a girl anyone wants to offend.
After all,
I push away everyone who tries to help,
Tries to keep me sane,
Along with those who rather joke,
Rather piss this girl off,
Instead of harmless play.
I just simply speak
Whats running through my mind;
Carefully spoken hurt,
Carefully chosen lies.
And everything just gets harder,
Yet so much easier,
All at the same time.
After all,
The problems solved for now,
But I just told one more lie.
One last lie that finishes
The construction of this world of mine,
And begins the destruction
Of whats left of my already messed up mind.