
You don't seem to see
What is really me,
That sad little girl
Just wasting away.
Staring out the window,
Watching my reflection disappear,
Watching that little girl disintegrate
Before my very eyes.
Too tired to plead my case,
I'll just let her waste away...
It's all just too hard to explain.

You don't seem to hear
Those pathetic cries for help
Followed by muffled screams
And shattered tears.
Too tired to make you sit and listen,
But I'll still shout out for help anyway...
After all,
Not much to lose besides my voice
And the words you rather not hear,
Soft spoken sounds
That don't seem to do me any good,
They just seem to disappear
Into thin air.

You don't seem to notice
The way I look so lost,
The way my eyes hold no emotion,
The way I seem so distracted.
Bothered by unwanted thoughts,
None you want to hear,
And none I will share,
After all,
You're to busy to care.
Too tired to try to get your attention,
To focus your thoughts on someone else for a change,
I mind as well just give up hope
And let things stay the same.

I mind as well be invisible
If things don't start to change.