Hold me close

I'm scared to die.
I start to cry.
You pull me close saying it's not my time.
I called you to watch my suicide.
The angel of death pulled me inside.
Hold me close and watch me die.

You cry out NO
as I cut real slow.
Across my wrists
I start to se a mist.
I cry as your voice goes faint.
Your a saint.

It's hard for me to go like this,
as you bring your head down for one last kiss.
You tell me you love me.
You hold me close.
I tell you to look for a black rose.
The world starts to turn black.
I cant turn back.

Hold me close as I die I say
NO dont leave me stay.
You cry out one last time,
as I take out the blade.
I cut once more
I lay down in your lap.

I say remember me as I was.
Your darling rose.
You fade out as I black out.
Your are the angel in my head.
You laid me in my bed.
I'll always hold you close he said.
I'll join you one day and,
You'll still have my heart
we'll never be apart.

As you cry I start to say
You'll forget me one day.
But the angel of death has one last play.
He'll take your life too.
Now i'll be really close to you.
And the whole time you'll hold me close.