What does it mean?

Love. What does it really mean? Why everyone is so eager to have this feeling, to hold it and have it for the rest of their life? Why do people cry over it? Why people die for it? Isn’t love supposed to be something beautiful? Something you should cherish, something you should feel proud to have. Then why is there always woe with it too?

Then again, what does it really mean? What’s the whole point of having such a beautiful – if it’s even beautiful – feeling to waste it? Because some people do that, waste the feeling as if it was trash. People who date someone just for the fun of it, not feeling anything for that person, tricking her. Make illusions, create a story, a drama, and when the fun is over the love is over too. Now they are simply strangers. They never went to the ice cream parlor once in a while, they weren’t together during lunch; there were no kisses, no hugs, no inside-jokes. I love you was never pronounce, and the feelings that it brought with it were just hallucinations. It all disappeared, not even bringing the comfort of being friends. Now they are only ‘yeah she is in my class’.

Love seems rather evil. Sometimes it just means sadness. Violence, craziness and suicide are justified with love. The word is misuse a lot, is use as an excuse, as defend, as attack. It can practically use for anything. But love eventually fades away leaving a rather bitter taste of anger. Then the feelings lead to loneliness and loneliness somehow is more faithful than love