Speaking my heart

Beautiful brown eyes why are they so red and puffy
White, pale cheeks and face, what happened to them?
That pearl-like smile that made anyone smile back,
Now nothing but a beautiful meaningless smile,
Showing nothing but sadness,
That brown curly, movie-star-like hair now in a messy bun,
Little hairs all over the place, a couple of weeks make up still on,

She turns and looks at me,
Am I in those reality shows where everything is show in slow-motion?
That smile, oh god. That beautiful smile that I fall in love with,
Why is now showing nothing but misery and woe
Showing, the dark side of this woman
Because, everyone has a dark side,
That parts of u that is all gloomy, sad, the part that lives in the reality and has no dreams.
The parts that people usually hides in shame, not letting people know that you have one.
And now, I was looking at that side, as clear as the crystal.

I slowly walk to her, careful and frighten,
I look at her and smile sympathetically, took a deep breath,
Trying to make it last longer, trying to figure out how to say what my heart is screaming,
Slowly, grabbing her hands into mines and looking into her eyes,
And further, into her soul,
I finally say it; I finally speak up my heart and say-
“I want the divorce”
♠ ♠ ♠
well...im nuut quite sure...an english assigment...find it...interesting....idk -blushez- hope u like it and u r welcome to give constructive commentz...plz i rlly need them >.> dont ask y i decide 'divorce' it juzt came up like that....it was suppous to be 'i love you' but then i find it to...cliche lolz