Mama's Little-Big Star

Mama's Little-Big Star
By: Alexander I. Medina

Mama’s Little-Big Star’s
Move away
Mama’s Little-Big Star’s
Lying in the back of a
Mexican and French-styled buffet

Little-Big Star got the shit
Beat out of him
No one knows where he is.
Little-Big Star doesn’t even
Know who the fuck he is!

Hell! he’s probably sinking
His teeth into the concrete-flesh
Of the walls and beating
His claws against the iron
Bars imprisoning him

He should have known dope
Leads to a night or two in jail

Mama’s Little-Big Star’ll
Be famous one day,
Sitting in an alley
And selling himself for a low price
And a meal

Visible bone structure’s in now.
Haven’t you heard?

Well, don’t worry,
Because Mr. Little-Big Star’s gonna
Kill himself!
Tired of bleeding after bar fights
And sick of being mugged, I guess.

Good night,
Mama’s Little-Big Star!
Sweet dreams!