
By: Alexander Medina

My mind harbors false hopes and beliefs.
They have been there so long that I see nothing wrong with them.
To be honest, they almost feel like a new reality.
Along with this new reality comes new sights and sounds that no one seems
To hear except for me-
They call these new sights and sounds hallucinations.
In this “hallucination,” I see beautiful memories of my past.
In these memories, I am able to see a picture of perfection.
This “perfect” picture resembles the family I once had and adored.
It is beautiful-
Thinking of it brings me to tears.
Sometimes these thoughts can cast me into heartache.
All of this hostility builds, and I cannot help it.
When this happens, I conjure up this fantasy of a “better” place.
It does not help-
I am lend into this strange place
Where nothing is wrong and everything will be okay.
However, when I wake up I find myself scratched and bruised.
I begin to think who this could have done this.
Then it hits me-
I did it.
My “perfect” place is no more than a
Cutting zone that does not shelter hopes and dreams but
Instead, it fosters hate and a schizophrenic disorder in which
I become more of this a stereotypical psychopath!
“Psycho,” I thought-
Am I really this person with a mental illness?
The more I think the more I seduced myself into another reality
In which I am okay, and that everything is okay, but
Nothing is.
Then a thought hits me-
Maybe this is another fantasy.
Maybe I am alright, that I am thinking of this because there is nothing wrong.
“I am perfectly fine. Never been better,” I started to say.
Wait. Am I?-
Could this be another hallucination of the mind?
Is this another safeguard gone horribly wrong?
Is this a plot by an enemy to ruin me?
“Hello?” I begin to look around like a frightened child.
“Who is there?” I called out-
No answer, I called repeatedly but still no answer.
Who could have been there?
I am afraid to know the answer.
However, I must know the answer, so I hurry to look around
But suddenly-
I stop.
A long pause fell over me.
Then I start to think.
Could I be the intruder?