Chosen Tears

Chosen Tears

The chronic obscurity only seemed to increase the wars
which she waged on herself. As thoughts collided
into a mess of a martyr's motto, she personified
confusion in such a sad little cliché.

Rain from within stained her bleak cheeks with
cascades of rainbow colored dreams. Forever fading.
And sickly gazes rested upon twisted morals, distorted
by several half empty bottles throughout the years.

What is the worth of a life captured in lyrics
written by the hands of strangers? She does not know.
There are times when labels grow excessively limiting,
and hers had become some numbers too small.

Chasing shadows while running in circles is
all she can do now; as her feet trip over themselves.
The search for a route out of line ended in wrong steps
tiredly stumbling into another trend. It's so sad.

A story unchanging, only with different names, makes such
a predictable ending. Underestimated or simply overrated
this one mould character falls into duplicated abysses.
And so she tumbles. Doubts adding up, banality weighting down.

But perhaps intentionally blackened wings broke on purpose
makes a better alternative, than none at all. The veil of nights
upon the world is after all to prefer when the only option
seems to be contradicting ideals of the modern society.

Copyright © 2006