This Moment

Huddling in the corner of my sanctuary, I heard a cry.
Through the glass eyes, tears rushed down like streams,
Clouding my view of the world .
Looking up, I saw an ashen face looming over me.
As if I was the only one seeing him,
Lifeless and emotionless as his form, he saw no one.
Reflecting in those translucent eyes,
Joyful and sorrowful times became fragments of the past.
While others told him, “Go away! Come again another day.”
I rather enjoyed his company.
Standing over me, he continued to weep silently.
The soft glockenspiel ringing in my ears.
The airy fairy danced pass him,
Whistling the melody of a flute.
Gentle and kind, she kissed his pale cheek.
As sudden as her arrival, the fairy’s fleeting goodbye,
Was no more but an echo.
Elsewhere, a hum of the bowing violin,
Synchronized with his mourning voice.
Unaffected by his tears,
I sat there just watching.
I thought, “I wouldn’t mind if this lasted for a while longer.”

Try to guess what this is about. Look for clues in the dialogs. Whoever gets it right, gets $1 million as a reward, probably one millenium later.