Life Brings Us to Death

It’s simple, really
Its job is to bring you to death
Like a hand that reaches out
But this hand is cold
It isn’t welcoming
It doesn’t love
But somehow we know this is right
That you leave us for us
It’s your time
But what is time?
It goes backwards
Not forwards, like we think
It counts down the seconds
Until you are gone
But now that you already are,
It doesn’t know where to go
Follow you like a puppy
But we can’t anymore
We have to live our lives
And one day join you
As we always wanted to in life
It’s simple really
Its job is to bring you to death

R.I.P. Jimmy Sullivan
♠ ♠ ♠
Honestly, I'm going to sound like an emo kid for a second... Whenever I'm not writing poetry, I'm wearing a mask. Writing is the only way I can release genuine emotion, and because the death of Jimmy Sullivan provokes a lot of genuine emotion I needed a way to let it out. This poem is dedicated to The Rev (R.I.P.)